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Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English - new


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~ adj 1 »RECENTLY MADE« recently made, built, or invented  (the city's new hospital | Renault's newest GTI hatchback | the new issue of `Time' magazine | the new fashions | a new way of organizing data) 2 »RECENTLY BOUGHT« recently bought  (Do you like my new dress? | That's a nice bag - is it new?) 3 »NOT THERE BEFORE« having just developed  (new buds on the trees | a young woman with new ideas | the new nations of Africa | new hope/confidence/optimism etc (=hope etc that you have only just started to feel))  (a medical breakthrough that offers new hope to cancer patients) 4 »NOT USED BEFORE« no comparative not used or owned by anyone before  (New and second hand books for sale. | buy sth new)  (I got a used video camera for -300 - it would have cost -1000 if I'd bought it new. | brand new (=completely new))  (When did you buy this sofa? It looks brand new.) 5 like new/as good as new in excellent condition  (Your watch just needs cleaning and it'll be as good as new. | We polished the car till it looked like new.) 6 »UNFAMILIAR« not recognised or not experienced before  (learning a new language | Living in the city was a new experience for Philip. | be new to sb)  (The fruit had a delicate taste that was completely new to me. | that's a new one on me spoken (=used to say that you have never heard a particular word, name etc before)) 7 »RECENTLY ARRIVED« having recently arrived in a place, joined an organisation, or started a new job  (You're new here aren't you? | be new to sth/be new at sth)  (Don't worry if you make mistakes you're still new to the job | new member/employee/student etc (=people who are not already members))  (training for new employees | The party is anxious to recruit new members. | new arrival (=someone who has recently arrived in a place))  (As a new arrival, Maria was obviously going to have problems with the language. | be the new kid on the block AmE informal (=be the newest person in a job, school etc))  (It's not always easy being the new kid on the block.) be the new boy/girl BrE humorous (=be the newest person in a job, organization etc) 8 new owner/address/job etc the owner etc that has recently replaced the previous one  (Have you met Keith's new girlfriend? | I'll let you have my new phone number.) 9 »RECENTLY DISCOVERED« recently discovered  (the discovery of a new planet | new oilfields in Alaska | important new evidence that may prove her innocence) 10 new life/day/era a period that is just beginning and seems to offer better opportunities  (They went to Australia to start a new life there.) 11 feel (like) a new man/woman to feel much healthier and have a lot more energy than before 12 new blood new members of a group or organization who will bring new ideas and be full of energy  (What we need in this company is some new blood.) 13 new broom someone who has just become the leader or manager of an organization and is eager to make changes 14 what's new? spoken especially AmE used as a friendly greeting to mean `how are you?' 15 the new unfamiliar ideas or changes in society  (the shock of the new) 16 new-made/new-formed etc recently made, formed etc  (- see also a new lease of life lease1 (2), turn over a new leaf leaf1 (3)) - newness n  (Philip was bewildered by the newness of his surroundings.)
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  (newer, newest) Frequency: The word is one of the 700 most common words in English. 1. Something that is new has been recently created, built, or invented or is in the process of being created, built, or invented. They’ve just opened a new hotel in the Stoke area... The new invention ensures the beer keeps a full, frothy head. ...the introduction of new drugs to suppress the immune system... Their epic fight is the subject of a new film... These ideas are nothing new in America. ADJ • newness The board acknowledges problems which arise from the newness of the approach. N-UNCOUNT 2. Something that is new has not been used or owned by anyone. That afternoon she went out and bought a new dress... There are many boats, new and used, for sale... They cost nine pounds new, three pounds secondhand. ADJ 3. You use new to describe something which has replaced another thing, for example because you no longer have the old one, or it no longer exists, or it is no longer useful. Under the new rules, some factories will cut emissions by as much as 90 percent... I had been in my new job only a few days... I had to find somewhere new to live... Rachel has a new boyfriend... They told me I needed a new battery. ADJ 4. New is used to describe something that has only recently been discovered or noticed. The new planet is about ten times the size of the earth. ADJ: usu ADJ n 5. A new day or year is the beginning of the next day or year. The start of a new year is a good time to reflect on the many achievements of the past... ADJ: ADJ n 6. New is used to describe someone or something that has recently acquired a particular status or position. ...the usual exhaustion of a new mother... The Association gives a free handbook to all new members. ADJ: ADJ n 7. If you are new to a situation or place, or if the situation or place is new to you, you have not previously seen it or had any experience of it. She wasn’t new to the company... His name was new to me then and it stayed...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
   I. adjective  Etymology: Middle English, from Old English niwe; akin to Old High German niuwi ~, Latin novus, Greek neos  Date: before 12th century  1. having recently come into existence ; recent, modern  2.  a.  (1) having been seen, used, or known for a short time ; novel rice was a ~ crop for the area  (2) unfamiliar visit ~ places  b. being other than the former or old a steady flow of ~ money  3. having been in a relationship or condition but a short time ~ to the job a ~ wife  4.  a. beginning as the resumption or repetition of a previous act or thing a ~ day the ~ edition  b. made or become fresh awoke a ~ person  c. relating to or being a ~ moon  5. different from one of the same category that has existed previously ~ realism  6. of dissimilar origin and usually of superior quality a ~ strain of hybrid corn  7. capitalized modern 3; especially having been in use after medieval times  • ~ish adjective  • ~ness noun Synonyms:  ~, novel, original, fresh mean having recently come into existence or use. ~ may apply to what is freshly made and unused ~ brick or has not been known before ~ designs or not experienced before starts the ~ job. novel applies to what is not only ~ but strange or unprecedented a novel approach to the problem. original applies to what is the first of its kind to exist a man without one original idea. fresh applies to what has not lost its qualities of ~ness such as liveliness, energy, brightness a fresh start.  II. adverb  Date: before 12th century ~ly, recently — usually used in combination ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  adj. & adv. --adj. 1 a of recent origin or arrival. b made, invented, discovered, acquired, or experienced recently or now for the first time (a new star; has many new ideas). 2 in original condition; not worn or used. 3 a renewed or reformed (a new life; the new order). b reinvigorated (felt like a new person). 4 different from a recent previous one (has a new job). 5 in addition to others already existing (have you been to the new supermarket?). 6 (often foll. by to) unfamiliar or strange (a new sensation; the idea was new to me). 7 (often foll. by at) (of a person) inexperienced, unaccustomed (to doing something) (am new at this business). 8 (usu. prec. by the) often derog. a later, modern. b newfangled. c given to new or modern ideas (the new man). d recently affected by social change (the new rich). 9 (often prec. by the) advanced in method or theory (the new formula). 10 (in place-names) discovered or founded later than and named after (New York; New Zealand). --adv. (usu. in comb.) 1 newly, recently (new-found; new-baked). 2 anew, afresh. Phrases and idioms new birth Theol. spiritual regeneration. new broom see BROOM. new deal new arrangements or conditions, esp. when better than the earlier ones. new-laid (of an egg) freshly laid. new look a new or revised appearance or presentation, esp. of something familiar. the new mathematics (or maths) a system of teaching mathematics to children, with emphasis on investigation by them and on set theory. new moon 1 the moon when first seen as a crescent after conjunction with the sun. 2 the time of its appearance. a new one (often foll. by on) colloq. an account or idea not previously encountered (by a person). new potatoes the earliest potatoes of a new crop. new star a nova. new style dating reckoned by the Gregorian Calendar. New Testament the part of the Bible concerned with the life and teachings of Christ and his earliest followers. new town Brit. a town established as a completely new settlement with government sponsorship. new wave 1 = NOUVELLE VAGUE. 2 a style of...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
  1) невыдержанный 2) новейший 3) новый 4) современный in a new fashion — по-новому - fit new lead - new geometry - new moon ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  1. новое the new must prevail the old —- новое должно победить старое to ring in the new —- приветствовать новое 2. новый; ранее не существовавший new house —- новый дом new discovery —- новое открытие the new baby —- разг. новорожденный new Parliament —- вновь избранный парламент new members of the UN —- новые члены ООН, государства, только что принятые в ООН new washing-machine —- новая модель стиральной машины new guard —- воен. заступающий караул new arrival —- только что прибывший (человек); новый приезжий new growth —- мед. новообразование, опухоль the work is new to him —- это новая для него работа new from the country —- только что (приехавший) из деревни 3. новый, только что обнаруженный или открытый new planet —- новая планета a new element was discovered —- был открыт новый элемент new lands —- незнакомые (новооткрытые) земли this information is not new to me —- это для меня не новость 4. новый, не бывший в употреблении new and second-hand books —- новые и подержанные книги as good as new —- почти новый, совсем как новый new soil (ground) —- целина, новь 5. современный, новейший new furniture —- современная мебель new literature —- современная (новейшая) литература new fashions —- последние моды the new woman —- современная (передовая) женщина; часто ирон. эмансипированная женщина 6. часто пренебр....
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
   1. adj.  1) новый; - new discovery  2) иной, другой; обновленный; he became a new man - он стал совсем другим человеком; - new Parliament  3) недавний, недавнего происхождения; недавно приобретенный  4) свежий; - new milk - new wine - new potatoes  5) современный, новейший; передовой; new fashions - последние моды  6) дополнительный; new test - (еще один) дополнительный опыт  7) вновь обнаруженный, вновь открытый, новый; new planet - новая планета  8) незнакомый; непривычный; the horse is new to the plough - эта лошадь не привыкла к плугу; she is new to the work - она еще не знакома с этой работой  9) новоявленный; he is a new rich disdain. - он недавно разбогател - new soil - the New World there is nothing new under the sun - ничто не ново под луной tomorrow is a new day - утро вечера мудренее Syn: see up-to-date  2. adv.; obs.  1) недавно, только что  2) заново NEW birth второе рождение; возрождение NEW broom новая метла, новое начальство NEW Caledonia noun о-в Новая Каледония NEW Deal amer.; hist. новый курс (система экономических мероприятий президента Ф. Рузвельта) NEW departure новая отправная точка, новая линия поведения (в политике и т.п.) NEW discovery новое открытие NEW Frontier amer. Новые рубежи (политика президента Кеннеди) NEW growth опухоль, новообразование NEW Guinea noun Новая Гвинея NEW Hampshire noun Нью-Гемпшир NEW Hebrides noun...
Англо-русский словарь
  NASA abbr. Nasa Educational Workshops 3-let. lang. abbr. Newari airport code Lakefront Airport, New Orleans, Louisiana USA file ext. abbr. New info media abbr. Newspaper En Web sport abbr. Narrative And Entertaining Walking religion abbr. Newcomers Enfolding And Welcoming NYSE symbols Nvest, L. P. ...
English abbreviation dictionary
Английский словарь американских идиом
  - O.E. neowe, niowe, earlier niwe, from P.Gmc. *newjaz, from PIE *newos (cf. Goth. niujis, Lith. naujas, O.C.S. novu, L. nouus). Newly-wed (n.) first recorded 1918. New Age is from 1971, though it had been used at various times since at least the 1840s; New Wave, as a name for the more restrained and melodic alternative to punk rock, is first attested 1976. New England was named 1616 by Capt. John Smith; Newfoundland is from 1585. ...
Английский Этимологический словарь


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